2022 06:Banner:05 Leo

Hi, LEO!

Welcome to your ☆ COSMIC WEATHER REPORT☆ for June 2022!

For the WHOLE month, MARS continues its travel through your 9th House (Belief Systems, Higher Learning, Foreign Travel, Foreigners).

Mars continues its journey through your 9th house, dear Leo, so expect a continuation of energy geared towards learning, mind expansion, adventure, and travel. You are craving for mind expansion, and you are seeking new experiences, new insights, and new lands to conquer, and you may look into the possibilities of a trip abroad, or of pursuing extended studies. The presence of foreigners, or of people based from out of the country, may figure prominently for you now, too. For those of you who are students, there is added focus on your tasks now, as you are now drawn to learning and education in general.    You are also inclined to strongly protect your ideas and belief systems, and you may find yourself more defensive than usual when it comes to explaining your points of view. Pick your battles and take extra care not to get trapped into never-ending debates!

On the 3rd, MERCURY turns DIRECT in your 10th House (Career, Profession, Reputation, Public Persona).

10 After 3 tricky weeks, MERCURY, the planet of communication, finally turns direct! Decisions made during the last 3 weeks may be revisited now. Time to re-build the any damages, if any! Pwede na bumili ng gadgets. Expect issues or confusion surrounding 10th and 11th house themes to dissipate, as you see things with sharper focus. Mag sorry sa mga nasaktan, or be humble enough to accept apologies that you may receive or both! Enjoy the clarity!

From 9-12, VENUS (love, money, beauty) conjuncts URANUS (surprises, awakenings) in your 10th House (Career, Profession, Reputation, Public Persona).

When Venus (love, money, beauty) finally catches up with Uranus (surprises, awakenings), sparks are sure to fly! This exciting conjunction happens only once every 1.8 years, more or less, so it’s relatively rare. During this time, you may be in the mood for exciting emotional earthquakes, and your risk appetite for anything Venusian may experience growth at least for the duration of this transit. Important awakenings regarding your career and profession may happen now, and you may experience work activities that may give you memorable ‘eureka!’ moments. Some of you may feel inclined to pursue an exciting project,  or perhaps to push for interaction with an attractive person that you work with, or perhaps a co-worker may suddenly give you extra attention. Please make sure you weigh pros and cons before committing to anything, as you may be quite impulsive during this time! Enjoy the energy, but tread carefully!

Also, from 9 – 12, MERCURY exchanges harmonous energy with PLUTO 

While Venus is conjunct Pluto, generally adding exciting energy towards relationships in general, MERCURY, the planet of communication connects with PLUTO, the planet of intensity and merging. You may feel a heightened need for contact and connection now and you may find yourself sharing emotions and opening up more than usual. Conversely, you may be at the receiving end of a confessional. This makes it a period of strengthening and deepening realtionship bonds, or the start of forging new ones.  This is also a good time to attend to important tasks, as your focus now is razor sharp and your attention, absolute.

On the 13th, MERCURY re-enters your 11th House (Friendships, Groups, Organizations, Gains).

This is a great time for networking and socializing, dear Leo.  The mind is focused on growing your connection and greater social network. Without much effort, people will enjoy hearing your opinions and engaging you in conversation, so expect alot of calls, messages, group video calls, lahat na! You may also find yourself interested in social causes more than usual, like engaging in efforts that help our frontliners, and others that help society, in general. Mataas ang effect sa’yo ng bayanihan ngayon. Political discussions combined with your advocacies may be the centerpiece of most of your conversations now, so it would be a joy if you get to talk to likeminded individuals.

On the 14th, a FULL MOON happens in your 5th House (Creativity, Romance, Pleasure, Children!).

Full Moon energy brings culminations that clear the space for new beginnings. This month’s Full Moon might bring a bit of brain fog, as it is exchanging uncomfortable energy with Neptune, the planet of imagination and illusion. You may daydream about a romantic prospect or a creative project. Some may decide to embark on the journey to parenthood!  You may be a bit emotional, but art, music and creativity may be a solace. Since feelings may be magnified for now, expect to easily be triggered! Good thing that Saturn too is conversing with the Moon, adding a sense of reality to perceived faults and flaws pertaining to the house where this happens. This is good news, para hindi mabiktima ng maling akala!

From 14-18, the SUN exchanges harmonious energy with SATURN 

High productivity can be the theme of this week, as the SUN (Main Personality, Identity) harmonizes with SATURN (Discipline, Delayed Gratification), directing and bringing order to your affairs. Diligence and concentration come easier now, so take advantage of this time to erase some backlog, get tasks done, and plan ahead. This is a great time to schedule arduous chores that you may have been putting aside for a while. Beat procrastination with this Sun and Saturn combination!

On the 21st, the SUN enters and travels through your 12th House  (Spirituality, Endings, Hidden Things)

You are about to close another solar year, dear Leo, and the Sun here makes this a very contemplative period for you. There is a feeling of wanting to just lay low and reflect about the past, and where it has brought you. Mararamdaman mo ang pagod mo, and this is the time for slowing down and recharging your batteries. Plenty of changes are lined up for you, and you can consider this period the calm before the storm. This is the time to identify what sets you back. Perhaps possible traumas, if any, or just insecurities that may be holding you back from living your best life. Work towards releasing all these, in preparation for a new cycle. Take this time to reflect! Pagkatapos nito, the Sun enters your 1st house again, so energized ka na ulit. For now, take a step back and rest!

On the 23rd, VENUS enters and travels through your 11th House (Friendships, Groups, Organizations, Gains).

Warm social friendships characterize this period, dear Leo, and you may find yourself joining, establishing, or associating closely with organizations that you highly resonate with. Not just in person, but also through facebook groups, viber groups, IG groups, lahat na! This is usually a light, happy and social period so you may receive a lot of invitations, calls, and messages for now.

If you are single, you may meet a romantic prospect through your friends, or perhaps, you may fall in love with one! Mahirap ma-friendzone, pero to be honest, friendship is really the best foundation for a relationship, so it’s always worth the risk. With Venus here, you are confident and magnetic, so go for it! 

On the 29th, a NEW MOON happens in your 12th House  (Spirituality, Endings, Hidden Things).

The month closes with an impatient New Moon squaring JUPITER, the planet of expansion. New Moons bring energy of new beginnings, and this New Moon, in particular, carries with it a little bit more urgency than most. With both the Moon and Jupiter in Cardinal signs, you may be craving excitement and change, and you may be inclined to take a risk in terms of reconnecting with people from the past. While New Moon periods are the best time to set intentions and manifest, however, decisions during this particular time may be made with the snap of a finger, without much thought. This may push you to move immediately, instigating changes that you might regret later! Let your plans simmer and breath for a bit. Remember: thorough deliberations are necessary for now, and foresight, invaluable!

Good Luck, LEO! See you next month!